  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
  • Restart your subscription for just $5 black friday offer
Black Friday Offer
Restart For $5
on your first month
Restart your subscription in 3 easy steps
  • Login to your account below
  • Once Logged In, find your subscription and click REACTIVATE
  • Follow the prompts and Confirm your Reactivation
  • Bonus tip! Update the address and preferences to gift your subscription to a friend or loved one
  • If you need help in updating your subscription just contact us here
$5 Offer only valid once per account and household and any additional orders will be charged full price. Not guaranteed to receive items shown on this page. Each month features a different, unique set. If getting more than one subscription we highly recommend getting a No Thong and All Thong package to avoid any duplicates. Please see more information here. Cancel anytime.